It seems to be unavoidable. We clean our bathroom floors regularly and make sure to perform proper maintenance, but still mold and mildew persist to form on our tile and grout. This mold is unattractive, but it can also pose health problems for you and your family, so it is incredibly important that you have any bathroom tile mold and mildew removed as soon as possible. You certainly don’t want the mold to contaminate the air you breathe in on a regular basis, or spread throughout your tile. You also don’t want to damage your tile, however. The great news is that it is possible to clean mold and mildew from your bathroom tile without damaging it if you just use a few easy tips.

The most important piece of advice to take when cleaning any tile floor is to have a small test area. The easiest way to eliminate mold and mildew in tile is to use a diluted solution of household bleach. You want to make sure that this bleach will not damage your tile or grout, so having a test area is a good idea. Make sure that the bleach does not cause any discoloration. If this is the case, then you are safe to continue on with the cleaning. Apply the diluted bleach to the mold and mildew stains with a toothbrush. After killing the mold with the bleach solution, you should clean the area with a non-abrasive cleaner. If the bleach caused discoloration in your test area, or you are otherwise unable to use it, you can soak the stained area in water, and then run a bar of soap over it. This can be an effective way to remove both the stain and the toxicity of the mold. This is a great option for slate tile, as bleach tends to discolor it. Other options include cleaning with ammonia or a specialized cleaning product made specifically for slate tile.

Bathroom tile grout is a popular place for bacteria, and consequently mold and mildew to fordue to the high levels of moisture not only tracked from the tub, but present in the air. A couple natural, environmentally friendly methods for cleaning this mold and mildew include blotting diluted vinegar, or baking soda with water added to form a paste, onto the stain and let sit for a few minutes. If blotting the vinegar solution does not work, then gently rub the baking soda paste into the stain using circular motions. If neither of these methods work, or you would rather the situation be handled by a professional, steam cleaning will more effectively remove the mold and mildew than the previously mentioned methods. Steam cleaning is also an environmentally friendly way of keeping your tile floors bacteria and mold-free.

There are a variety of chemical cleaners available specifically for cleaning mold and mildew, and are often just sprayed onto the stain to sit for a few minutes, then scrubbed off. Mold should remove easily and quickly with a tile brush or toothbrush. For those a bit more difficult, however, you may want to consider calling a professional. A professional mold testing company always works for the benefits of the residents. The samples from the surface and the air are sent to the lab for testing where the results are determined. Whatever method you decide to use to remove your mold or tile, make sure that moisture in the room is wiped up prior to tackling the stain.

Bathroom tile mold and mildew removal is key to keeping you and your family safe, and your tile looking great. To prevent future mold and mildew staining, be sure to run a fan or keep the door cracked during hot showers, and clean your bathroom frequently.


Chris Harrison is a content writer and editor from New Caledonia. He is currently managing Oneunionone which is based in North Carolino. Before founding the website, he was a full time editor in New York USA.