So you want to know how to get a flat stomach fast? It isn’t as difficult as it sounds; obtaining the kind of defined and athletic tummy you are looking for takes three specific things – all of them are simple, but they aren’t necessarily easy. Let’s discuss my three top tips to get a flat belly!
1.) Clean up your diet.
The first and most important thing you need to do if you want to get a flat stomach is to sort out your diet – of course, exercise is important but it’s what you eat that really counts when it comes down to losing body fat. And this Acidaburn review in 2021 will help you figure out the best possible way to do so.
Having a low body fat percentage is imperative if you want to be defined, visible abdominals.
There is a mass of confusion these days as to what constitutes a healthy diet and which diet maximizes fat loss. We have been bombarded with “revolutionary” diets that are endorsed by countless celebrities – the zone diet, the south beach diet, and our very own flat belly diet to name but a few.
All of them offer different opinions on the best way to lose weight whether it be low carb or no carb, high protein or low fat. There is so much conflicting information that the average would-be dieter is completely lost as to where to begin in their quest to get a flat belly.
The diet I have found to be most successful in terms of my quest to lose belly fat was Fat Loss 4 Idiots – this particular program showed me how to get a flat stomach fast and worked wonders for me. I consistently recommend it to friends and clients alike but whatever diet you choose, make sure it is one you can stick to for a sustained period of time. Six-packs don’t come over-night!
2.) Focus on high-intensity exercise.
Highly intense exercise beats low-intensity workouts hands-down when it comes to fat loss and if you work your whole body at the same time you will get the best possible metabolic response from your body to lose the stubborn stomach fat that you have been so concerned about.
Short, high-intensity workouts should definitely be a part of your weekly routine if you want to get a flat belly. Make sure you structure your exercise so that you work in short “high energy” bursts and follow these with a short recovery period. Work the whole body during these sessions instead of trying to isolate specific muscle groups.
I am a fan of non-competing super-sets as found in the Turbulence Training program – these are essentially two exercises performed back to back without rest which use muscles that do not interfere with each other, ie. split squats then dumbbell rows (legs and back).
3.) Specific abs training.
The final key of our how to get a flat stomach fast article deals with specific stomach muscle training. There are hundreds of abs exercises out there that you can try but there are a few that give you maximum results. Crunches and sit-ups are great if you aren’t of a high fitness level but if you have been exercising for some time you should be looking at building resistance – it is this resistance that develops and tones the muscles.
Try doing some hanging leg raises remembering to curl your pelvis up as you raise your legs. This exercise is extremely tough if you do it right and is one of the highest resistance exercises for your abs. Another good one is lying hip thrusts which Britney Spears used to great effect in her hey-day.
Forget mindlessly pumping out hundreds of crunches and focus on quality – the general rule is if you can easily do more than 20 reps of an abs exercise you need to be looking for more resistance.
Commit to a flatter tummy!
Commit to the three keys above and you will find that you can get a flat belly far easier than you once thought. Of course, changing your body significantly takes time – don’t be discouraged if you don’t see the kind of results right away. Keep going, set yourself realistic goals and you will soon find people admiring you on the beach! Feel free to leave a comment – I love to hear your opinions on how to get a flat stomach fast or anything fitness and nutrition-related. Good luck.