Coffee is the most traded commodity on Earth. It is commercially grown in tropical areas of Africa, South America, North America and Asia. Consumers are always looking for new ways to enjoy their favorite beverage. From its origins coffee has been brewed and drank hot or room temperature coffee, but with modern refrigeration coffee can be enjoyed in a new refreshing way. There are complicated iced coffee recipes out there that require expensive brewers but the best way is to use a simple iced coffee recipe. The only brewer needed is a drip brewer that most coffee drinkers own already. You will also need a refrigerator to chill your hot coffee.

The kitchenaid pour over coffee maker review are available at the online site. The reviews contain real and correct information about the coffee maker. The purchasing of the correct one becomes simple and easy for the people. You can chill with a hot coffee without any problem.

Iced coffee is most revered for not having the pronounced bitterness that many people disfavor. However, this is accomplished by using cold brew coffee, instead of hot brew coffee, which requires many hours of extraction. But you’re here to learn about a simple iced coffee recipe so you will learn how to get around the bitterness in sinfully sweet ways.

The first step is to hot brew coffee using your favorite coffee brand to about double strength of your normal preference. This extra strong brew will be later diluted by ice cubes. Next, take your hot coffee and place it in the refrigerator for about 30 minutes. If you are in a hurry try the freezer but beware placing very hot glass on very cold surfaces can cause the glass to break. If you are concerned about this, you can try using a ceramic container or placing your hot coffee on a paper plate in the refrigerator. Once the coffee is cold the fun stuff can be added.

Pour individual servings in cups of at least 6 ounces. Obviously sugar can be added to your taste but if you are one of those that dislike the bitterness in coffee you can add cold milk or even ice cream. The dairy and other flavors mask the bitterness along with the sugar leaving only the coffee goodness. The amount of milk or ice cream can vary but add them slowly and taste as you go. You don’t want to dilute the coffee flavor too much. Lastly to keep your coffee chilled place 2 to 3 ice cubes in your cup. This simple iced coffee recipe made at home is far better than any coffee shop or grocery store bought iced coffee.


Chris Harrison is a content writer and editor from New Caledonia. He is currently managing Oneunionone which is based in North Carolino. Before founding the website, he was a full time editor in New York USA.