Earning money online is not easy. You may hear of people earning six figure income on the internet, and there are a lot of advertisements promising you thousands of dollars per day, hassle free. Sad to say, most of these don’t bring what they promise. Many have learned this long since and have been wary of joining new affiliate schemes. It isn’t easy to earn money online. It takes time, effort, and persistence, as well as the ability to continue working even with the knowledge that the payment will not be immediate.
For example, an average person planning to start a blog would take 3 to 6 months before being eligible for programs such as PayPerPost or SocialSpark, that pay $5 or more for each 200 word blog post. In many other programs, there will be a minimum cash out amount that you have to meet before you can send it to your PayPal account or bank. They may release the money after 60 days, and so on, and so forth.
Earning from Blogging or a Site. The most basic earning tool that anyone can have is a blog, or a website. You can get one for free from Blogger. WordPress is also okay, however, if you want to use it as an income generation tool then you’ll have to provide your own hosting and set up WordPress there, since the free blog from WordPress doesn’t allow monetization of your blog. Many who have been working hard on their site to earn money have experienced their accounts closed for not following the TOs of the free WordPress account.
A good idea for a blog would be to focus on a certain niche. For example, focus on fishes. Music. Art. Whatever it is that you’re very interested in and that you can write a lot about. A blog on a certain niche is easier to monetize than a hodge-podge blog, or one that has topics on anything and everything in life. Well, you can also start a hodge-podge blog, I do. You can use a hodge-podge blog to earn for get-paid-to-posts. But I use it mainly for regular rants and random thoughts, The serious work goes on my other blogs on different niches.
So once you have a blog, how do you earn from it? First would be get-paid-to-posts such as PayPerPost or SocialSpark. Another would be for displaying advertisements. Some that I can recommend are Google Adsense, Bidvertiser, and Project Wonderful. The first two pay you for clicks generated from your blog. An effective strategy would be to place the advertisement within the article, inline with the text. The third one pays you simply for displaying ads, say, $0.50 per day for a small square ad slot. For a new, not-so-busy blog, Project Wonderful can be really effective.
To provide supplement on how you can grow your audience for your blog, it is important that you get some strategies on how to do so. You can check Douglas Williams review. He introduced an online learning course that teaches people to make money using the Internet.
Update your blog regularly. Perhaps once every two days, or better yet, once a day. Write quality content that people would be interested to read. Then promote your website through Search Engine Optimization. There are a lot of free resources out there, I would recommend Brad Callen’s SEO Made Easy or Dan Thies Fast Start. On the paid side, I’d recommend SEO Book by Aaron Wall.
Target around 100 unique visitors per day.
Additional Income from Referrals. Programs such as paid-to-clicks that pay you for clicking on an advertisement and waiting 20 to 30 seconds for the advertisement countdown to run become zero for your account to be credited, those pay really low if you only rely on your own efforts. However, through your blog, you can get referrals by simply placing the referral link provided by the paid-to-click program you’ve joined in a key location. Or you can write an article about the paid-to-click program, and place your referral link there. This will earn you passive income, and this is the way that those successful in PTCs do things. The same is true in Survey sites, and other sites that pay you for various miscellaneous activities. You can’t expect to earn a lot from your own efforts, buy by referring people through your blog, you can earn more. Don’t be worried that you don’t have a lot of friends you can refer. Most of the people I refer and that help me earn money are just people passing by my blog, they happened to be there because they were searching for a related topic in Google or Yahoo. Many of those are people I never actually even talk to and have just signed up in various programs I’ve joined in through the links in my blog.
Sell products. Choose a product from Amazon Affiliates or Google products related to your blog niche, and place it in a key location, preferably your template so that it displays on every page. Experiment with placing it on different positions on the layout. You will earn for sales generated from these products.
Give yourself time. Give yourself time. See it as an investment, an online business. Depending on the amount of time you spend working and learning and researching about ways to earn money online, 6 months to 1 year wouldn’t be so bad at all if you could start earning more than a thousand dollars on a passive basis.
Overall, earning money is not easy. It requires hard work and persistence. There are many challenges and discouragements along the way. It doesn’t necessarily require technical skills or some very complicated knowledge. A regular person can earn a lot from working online, provided that he really invests time to do it.