It often happens to those who are training in the gym, to ask what is the diet most suitable for the development of muscle mass. What foods privilege, how much to eat, what sources of protein are the most appropriate … This article Saverio Campironi MS – Health Trainer at HealthCity Milan Duomo guides us through the principles and modern diets and given to those who are training in the gym and wants to properly develop their masses muscle.

Once we want to do to gain muscle mass, a high protein diet is a prerequisite ensuring adequate protein turnover, through which the body is able to continually renew the worn out from training protein (muscle breakdown) and replace them with new material protein.

The daily dose of protein recommended in this case is around 1.5 – 2g per kg of body weight (against 1 to 1.2 g recommended for the normal population). An athlete of normal weight 80Kg, should therefore take about 120-160 grams of protein a day meal plan in order to make it easier to respect.

It is no longer necessary to exceed with the calories accumulating unnecessary kg of fat in addition to those of lean body mass (muscle) during the preparation for the period of mass. This system as well as being injurious to health slows achieving the optimum state and sub / optimal shape. Does not account for energy systems and hormonal balance. It is completely obsolete.

The most effective diet plans, which must still be advised always with the approval of a dietician are:

The Zone Diet. Fashion really gone?

In addition to being perfectly balanced to foster an optimal balance between insulin and glucagon and provide an excellent balance glycemic essential for muscle synthesis, manage caloric intake in proportion to lean body mass of the subject. Is on the whole quite complicated for beginners that want to follow without using the support of a Health Trainer and requires weighing food.

The Dukan Diet. The catchphrase of the moment.

What can I say .. AMAZING!

Provides a more than adequate protein intake and if done with skill ensures the achievement of a proper weight before favoring strong development of lean body mass. The Anti aging Trainer Academy is currently conducting in collaboration with a team of dietitians, a study on the change in body composition and improvement of energy performance in athletes following the Dukan diet. The results are expected soon and promising.

Easy to do. Do not you weigh the food. You eat when you want (not starving). Energy through the roof!

DNA Diet Simply the Top.

A food plan tailor-made, after an analysis of our DNA (one sample of exfoliated cells from the mucous of the oral cavity by means of a special stick. Style CSI Miami …). They are made to use only foods that are perfectly suited to our metabolism optimizing anabolism and energy pathways and minimizing effacement sarcopenia (loss of lean tissue aging related, that is, the amount of muscle we lose older).

We exploit the nutraceutical properties of food, that is to say the ability of certain foods act as drugs in our body for us to find health and balance. A blessing for health and longevity.

Unprecedented quality using the newest technologies.

Anti Aging Academy Trainer Trainer with its Health in collaboration with AMIA (Association of Italian Doctors Anti Aging) provides comprehensive programs customized for a quick get back in form for a period of 8/12 weeks. states that the reviews for the testosterone boosters are good and it is a quite effective supplement that helps you in maintaining as well as increasing the muscle density effectively. For those who want only the top and has no time to lose. The DNA testing is done only once in a lifetime.


Chris Harrison is a content writer and editor from New Caledonia. He is currently managing Oneunionone which is based in North Carolino. Before founding the website, he was a full time editor in New York USA.