This article is going to be an interesting read as it involves one of the best things to have come out in modern times and pertains to the interest of the younger generation like no other.

What we are going to talk about today is a cultural phenomenon that has taken the entire world by storm and by hooking individuals of all age groups due to which today, in 2020, it is impossible to imagine life without it.

The internet boom started in the 1980s when computer and software technology was in its nascent stages in many countries although firmly established in the United States as that was when the world got the whiff of what advanced mechanics are capable of.


The chosen topic for today is Wi-Fi and the word alone is enough to pique the imagination of software professionals all around because their world virtually revolves around it most of the time as they are always engaged in researching new things about it.

Wi-Fi can be classified as the first example of wireless network technology that has shaped the destiny of software and taken it several notches above other fields where today you can find many people wanting to be a part of this glowing stratosphere.

It might be difficult to believe that this idea was shunned when suggested by a group of software experts in the early 90s who thought that internet connection should be available without the use of telephone.

You would recall the times during childhood when you needed to have a strong landline connection in order to get strong internet signals in the house due to which business and software professionals had to shift base to a location where they had such facilities as it was impossible for them to do office work without internet.

Fortunately, Wi-Fi changed everything as slowly but surely, it started spreading its wings all over the globe throughout the 2000s and the digital media revolution made things easier.

Today, there is not a single household that you can find in urban areas where the residents don’t have atleast one Wi-Fi connection in their house that is not at the mercy of a telephone, which itself has become obsolete.

Improving Signals

There are times when the Wi-Fi signals aren’t strong so given below are some strong points on how to do it yourself without external help:

  • Keep your Wi-Fi router in the room where there are multiple devices so that it connects instantly to one of them because there are certain places where the connection is stronger than others in the house
  • Install Superboost Wi-Fi connection in the open area or on the roof so that the signals are strong enough to reach even the ground floor without trouble
  • Focus on concentrating signals which can be done through the access point on the backside of the room
  • Get a range extender so that the connection can be extended to other parts of the house and make it accessible to other electronic devices

Chris Harrison is a content writer and editor from New Caledonia. He is currently managing Oneunionone which is based in North Carolino. Before founding the website, he was a full time editor in New York USA.